Updated date: September 7,2022

Effective date: September 7,2022

    [Aowei Electronic Co., Ltd.] (hereinafter referred to as "us") knows the importance of personal information to you, and will do our best to keep your personal information safe and reliable. Our company is committed to maintaining your trust in our company, and abide by the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistent power and responsibility, clear purpose principle, minimum sufficient consent principle, ensuring safety principle, subject participation principle, openness and transparency principle, etc. At the same time, our company promises that our company will take corresponding security protection measures to protect your personal information according to the mature safety standards in the industry.

    Please read and understand this Privacy Policy carefully before using our products (or services).

Ⅰ. How do we collect and use your personal information

Personal information refers to various information recorded in electronics or in other means that can identify the identity of a specific natural person, alone or in combination with other information, or reflect the activities of a specific natural person.

We will collect and use your personal information only for the following purposes as described in this Policy:

1. Services that serve you

1. When you register for our service, we will collect your nickname, profile picture and email address, which is collected to help you complete the registration and protect your account security. Mobile phone numbers are sensitive information, and such information is collected to meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. You can also fill in the gender, region and other information according to your own needs.

The above information you provide will be continuously authorized to us during your use of the Service. When you cancel your account, we will stop using it and delete the above information.

2. When you use our service, in order to ensure your normal use of our service, maintain the normal operation of our service, improve and optimize our service experience and ensure your account security, we will collect your equipment model, operating system, unique equipment identifier, software version number, operation log, this information is must be collected to provide services.

3. When you use personal information modification, information like photos you upload is stored in our server because storage is necessary to implement this function. We store it as encrypted, and you can delete the information at any time. We will not provide appeal information, or use it for purposes other than this function, unless at your own choice or to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

4. When you use the vehicle location, service, Bluetooth vehicle control, and other functions, we will obtain your own consent and access your location information in order to provide you with the service. This property is sensitive information, refusing to provide change information will only make you from the appeal function, but does not affect your normal use of other functions. In addition, you can always turn off the feature and clear your geographic location information within the feature.

5. When you modify your profile picture and scan your terminal number, we will ask you for authorized camera and photo permission. In this process, you can choose whether to provide it to us. If you refuse to authorize it, you will not use this function, but it will not affect your use of other functions.

6. When you use the vehicle authorization function to quickly select address book friends, we will request you access to address book. In this process, you can choose whether to provide it to us. If you refuse to authorize it, you will not use this function, but it will not affect your use of other functions.

7. Provide you with precise directional push function: when you open the directional push, we will push information to you including not limited to the latest vehicle status change information, such as vehicle switch, vehicle lock, vehicle start, vehicle stall, specific notification can be set in the vehicle message push switch setting, also contains service period expiration reminder, login status change reminder information. If you do not need this feature, you can turn it off in my-Universal Settings-Precision Push.

2. According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your relevant personal information without seeking your authorized consent:

(1) Our company performs the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;

(2) Direct related to national security and national defense security;

(3) Direct related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(4) Direct related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

(5) Due to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your authorization and consent;

(6) The information involved is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(7) necessary to sign and perform the contract according to your request;

(8) Collect your personal information from the legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(9) Maintain the safe and stable operation of the mobile phone vehicle control products or services provided by our company, such as the discovery and disposal of the faults of the products or services;

(10) Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations;

Ⅱ. How does my company use Cookie and similar technologies

To collect the aforementioned personal information, both our company and our third-party authorized partners may use the technology to provide you with a more personalized experience by understanding and remembering your specific usage preferences by using the following technologies:

1. Cookie: To ensure the normal client operation, our company will store small data files named Cookie on your mobile device. The Cookie typically contains identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. With Cookie, the site can store data about your preferences. We will not use Cookie for any purpose other than the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. You can manage or delete Cookie according to your preferences.

2. SDK: SDK is a set of tools and / or code embedded in our company, allowing third-party authorized partners to collect information about how users interact with the service.

Ⅲ. How does our company share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

1. Sharing

We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual other than ours, except where:

(1) Your prior express authorization or consent has been obtained;

(2) Your personal information shall be shared in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, and compulsory government orders or judicial decisions;

(3) To the extent required or permitted by law, it is necessary to provide your personal information to a third party in order to protect the interests, property or security of the Company, its users or the public from damage;

(4) Your personal information may be shared between our affiliated companies. We will only share the necessary personal information, and such sharing is subject to the purpose of this Privacy Policy Statement. If the associate wants to change the purpose of personal information, it will seek your authorization again;

(5) For the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, some of our services will be provided by authorized partners. Our company may share some of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. For example, when distributing physical prizes, our company must share your personal information with a logistics service provider to arrange for delivery, or to arrange for partners to provide services. Our company will share your personal information only for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and will only share the personal information necessary to provide the services. Our partners do not have the right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose. If you refuse your partner to collect personal information necessary to provide the service, it may cause you will not be able to use the third-party service in the client. Our authorized partners include the following types:

① entrust our company for information promotion and advertising partners: you confirm that our company has the right to entrust our company for information promotion and advertising partners share our company use your relevant information collection of indirect user portrait, identification or anonymous processing analysis / statistical information, to help its advertising or decision advice, improve advertising effective touch rate, further understand the user needs. Our company promises that, without your consent, our company will not share personal information with you.

② Third-party SDK Service provider: In order to recommend services more suitable for you, our products and services may include third-party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites. You may also collect your information when you use these products or services. At present, the third-party SKD is as follows:

SDK name The Name of the third-party organization Application scenario description Personal Information Field Privacy Agreement Connection
Tencent Bugly SDK Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., LTD Performance monitoring and timely solution of the platform problems Log information, androidid, idfv networking information, system name, system version, and country code. https://bugly.qq.com/v2/

For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

2. Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except where:

(1) After obtaining your explicit consent, our company will transfer your personal information to other parties;

(2) In case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information involves, our company will continue to subject the new company or organization holding your personal information to this privacy agreement, otherwise we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again.

3. Public disclosure

We will publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

(1) After obtaining your explicit consent;

(2) Disclosure based on the law: Under the circumstances of law, legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements required by the competent government authorities, we may publicly disclose your personal information.

Ⅳ. Our company how to save your personal information

1. Where the information is stored

We will install laws and regulations to store the personal information collected in China.

They will properly manage and protect users' personal information, with great caution to prevent the leakage, loss and tampering of personal information in accordance with strict standards. However, we shall not bear any legal liability under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Any temporary personal data leakage, loss, theft or alteration caused by computer problems, hacker attacks, computer virus intrusion or attack, government control, and the normal operation of the network;

(2) Any personal data leakage caused by other websites linked to the website and any legal disputes and consequences caused thereby;

(3) Any consequences caused by force majeure.

You will also need to keep your login account number and password properly. Through your account number and password of the operation, we will regard it as your own operation.

2.storage life

Unless otherwise provided by law, we will keep your information as follows:

(1) During your use of our products or services, we will continue to save it for you, unless you independently delete this information or cancel your account;

(2) When you delete your personal information or cancel your account, we will take timely measures to delete your personal information from the business function system, so that it remains not retrievable and accessible;

3. Data security and technical measures

We use industry standards and security safeguards, including establishing reasonable regulations, security techniques to prevent unauthorized access, modification, and damage or loss of data.

Our network service adopts encryption technology such as transmission layer security protocol to provide browsing service through https to ensure the security of user data in the transmission process.

Ⅴ. Your rights

In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, regulations and standards, and common practices in other countries and regions, our company guarantees that you will exercise the following rights to your personal information:

1. Visit your personal information

You have access to your personal information except exceptions provided by laws and regulations.If you want to exercise access to the data, you can access it yourself by:

(1) Access to the profile picture, nickname, gender, birthday and other basic information:

① After enters the client, click "My"

② click on the profile picture bar

③ performs information queries and access

2. Correct your personal information

When you find an error in the personal information we handled about you, you have the right to ask our company to make corrections.You can request for correction in the form listed in 1 Access to Your Personal Information.

3. Delete your personal information

You can request us to delete our personal information in the following situations:

(1) If our company handles personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2) If our company collects and uses your personal information, without obtaining your consent;

(3) If our company violates your agreement in handling our personal information;

(4) If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account;

(5) If our company no longer provide you with products or services.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtain your personal information from us to timely delete it, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, or those entities receive your independent authorization.

When you delete information from our services, our company may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but will delete the information when the backup updates.

4. Withdraw consent

You can change the scope of your authorization to continue to collect personal information or withdraw your authorization by shutting down the device function.You can also withdraw our full authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account.

5. Exit account

You can exit your previously registered account at any time, and you can do it yourself by:

(1) After entering the client, click "My"

(2) Click on "My Settings"

(3) Click "Exit Login"

After quitting the account, our company will stop providing you with products or services, and delete your personal information at your request, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

We will not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances:

(1) Direct related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Direct related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) Directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

(4) There is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

(5) The response to your request will seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

(6) Trade secrets are involved.

6. Log off the account

You can cancel your previously registered account at any time. After the account is cancelled, the original account information will be emptied and cannot be recovered, and the following operations cannot be performed:

(1) The personal information, historical information and vehicle records in the account will be emptied;

(2) The rights and interests in the account will be cancelled, and the purchased service products will be deemed to be automatically abandoned;

We may not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances:

(1) Direct related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Direct related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) Related to the execution of crime investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

(4) There is sufficient evidence that you have subjective malice or abuse of power;

(5) The response to your request will seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

(6) Trade secrets are involved.

Logout operation

Click "My", click "General Settings", click "Account Cancellation", click "Read and Agree to Cancel the Agreement", and click "Confirm Cancellation".

Ⅵ. How does our company handle children's personal information

Our products, websites, and services are aimed for adults. Children may not create their own user account without the consent of their parents or guardians.

For the collection of personal information with the consent of parents, our company will only use or publicly disclose this information if necessary by law, the express consent of parents or guardians or to protect the child.

Although local laws and customs define children differently, our company regards anyone under the age of 18 as a child.

If it finds out that we have collected personal information about our children without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the data as soon as possible.

Ⅶ. How to update this privacy policy

Our company's privacy policy may change. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will publish any changes to this Privacy Policy on this page. We will also provide a more significant notification of the major changes. Significant changes referred to this Privacy Policy include, but are not limited to:

1. The service mode of our company has changed significantly. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way of use of personal information;

2. Our company has undergone major changes in terms of ownership structure and organizational structure. Such as business adjustment, the owner changes caused by bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions;

3. The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure shall change;

4. Your rights to participate in personal information processing and their exercise methods have changed significantly;

5. When our company is responsible for the responsible department, contact information and complaint channels for handling personal information security;

6. Personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk;

We will also file an old version of this Privacy Agreement for your review.

Ⅷ. How do you contact my company

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us as follows. Normally, our company will reply to you within 15 working days.

Email: 2880789375@qq.com

Tel.: +86 0760-22137728

IX. Dispute Settlement

Any dispute arising from this Privacy Policy and related to this Privacy Policy shall be submitted to the court having the jurisdiction of the place where this Agreement is signed (Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City) for settlement.